Pilot Alex

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Delivering quality softwares...

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First star Second star Third star Fourth star Fifth star

Excellent softwares

...without any delay since 2020

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First star Second star Third star Fourth star Fifth half star

Super useful

Who are you?

I am a software developer based in Paris, I am currently studying computer science at the Efrei-Paris engineering school.

What's your tech stack?

I am a C, C++, C#, JavaScript and Python developer.

What technologies/languages are you learning?

I'm learning Golang.

What services do you offer?

I'm specialized in web development but I can provide every type of softwares and services.


Open blog

Actively developing new projects

for better performance and a better world...

Github logo A growing list of contributions over the years.

Over 1000+ from 2020 to 2023.

Github issue icon Mastering the workflow.

Pull requests and issues no longer hold any secrets for me.

Snake game with commit graph

Thinking bigger with collaboration.

Collaboration transforms tasks into a collective masterpiece, where each note contributes to a seamless and satisfying melody of productivity.

Phone mockup Phone mockup Phone mockup Phone mockup Phone mockup Phone mockup

My commitments as a developer.

Arrow Arrow Arrow

1 Clean code using the latest standards and best practices to build a reliable codebase.

2 I work on both free and paid software.

3 I'm also contributing to open source softwares.

4 Good code is well documented code. That's why I'm always documenting my code even on solo projects.

5 As a developer making my own products, I think community feedback is essential to build good software.

6 Never forget low-level languages. They still help us to build insane things.

7 Think about the future and be creative.

Always enjoying to learn new technologies

from low level languages to high performance frameworks


Used for simulation where speed, memory usage, and performance in general matters.

Tools and utilities

Languages perfectly fitted to create quick utilities such as bridges to communicate.


Create quick utility scripts or prototype more complex application.

Web development

Beautiful web pages such as this website are created using plain HTML/CSS and JavaScript.


Server side web development

nodejs is a strong runtime environment I'm using with JavaScript.

Package managers

Handy utilities to grab any packages, manage them and update them.

Already many completed projects

and even more in development